LDAPUserFolder - Add: Create a new link to an LDAP Directory


LDAPUserFolder works just like a user folder. When you create an LDAPUserFolder object, its id will always be set to acl_users. There is one important difference between LDAPUserFolders and User Folders: LDAPUserFolders do not contain users (That's why they're not called LDAPUserFolders), rather, LDAPUserFolders authenticate against an LDAP server. This can confuse some Zope users who think they must add a Zope user in order to allow someone to access a part of Zope. All you need to do is ensure that the user has an LDAP database entry, and Zope will let them see the branch of the object database that the LDAPUserFolder authenticates for. This is not a weakness in security, if a user can't authenticate against LDAP, they will not be allowed to log into Zope. When you add a LDAPUserFolder object it will ask you for the following:


The (optional) title for this adapter
LDAP Server
Specify the server name or IP address, optionally followed by a colon and a port number. If no port number is given a default of 389, which is the standard port LDAP servers listen on, will be assumed. The server name must not contain any prefixes like "ldap://".
If the LDAP server supports connections via the ldaps protocol (LDAP over SSL) then you may communicate over SSL by checking this box. Note that LDAP over SSL is not StartTLS, which uses the same port as normal LDAP traffic.
Check this box if you want to prevent the LDAPUserFolder from writing to the LDAP directory. This will disable record insertion or modification.
Login Name Attribute
The LDAP record attribute used as the username. The list of default choices can be changed by adding attributes on the LDAP Schema tab after instantiating the LDAPUserFolder.
User ID Attribute
The LDAP record attribute used as the user ID. The list of default choices can be changed by adding attributes on the LDAP Schema tab after instantiating the LDAPUserFolder. IMPORTANT: You should only set this attribute to a LDAP record attribute that contains a single value and that does not change, otherwise you will get problems with the Zope object ownership mechanism.
RDN Attribute
The RDN attribute (Relative Distinguished Name) is the name of the LDAP attribute used as the first component of the full DN (Distinguished Name). In most cases the default value of cn is correct, you can select uid if your schema defines it. Please see RFC 2377 for more information.
Search base DN for users
The DN for the branch of your LDAP database that contains user records.
User Search Scope
Choose the depth for all searches from the user search base dn
Group storage
Choose where to store the group (a.k.a. Role) information for users. You can either store roles inside LDAP itself or you can store it inside the LDAP User Folder, which is simpler and does not require that LDAP deals with user roles at all.
Search base DN for groups
The DN for the branch of your LDAP database that contains group records. These group records are of the LDAP class "groupOfUniqueNames" and the entry CN attribute constitutes the group name. Groups embody Zope roles. A user which is part of a "Manager" group will have the "Manager" role after authenticating through the LDAPUserFolder. If you have chosen to store groups inside the user folder itself this setting will be disregarded.
Group Search Scope
Choose the depth for all searches from the group search base dn. If you have chosen to store groups inside the user folder itself this setting will be disregarded.
Manager DN and password
All LDAP operations require some form of authentication with the LDAP server. Under normal operation if no separate Manager DN is provided, the LDAPUserFolder will use the current user's DN and password to try and authenticate to the LDAP server. If a Manager DN and password are given, those will be used instead.
Default User Roles
All users authenticated from your ldap tree will be given the roles you put in this comma-delimited list. Zope expects all users - anonymous as well as authenticated - to have the role Anonymous.
Instantiate the LDAPUserFolder.